
News Detail

Federal Agent Speaks to Students About FBI Careers

David Solis, a supervisory special agent for the FBI, visited Westminster again to speak with high school students about the different career opportunities available within the Bureau.
Solis also shared his personal experience as an FBI agent, the different roles he has played within the Bureau over the time span of his career, and details on certain high-profile cases that he has been involved in. After the presentation, students were able to apply techniques used by the FBI to gather fingerprints. After placing their hands on white sheets of paper, students used black magnetic powder to reveal and gather their own fingerprints. 

A special thank you to David Solis and Mrs. Carpenter, our high school honors chemistry teacher, for providing our students with this unique opportunity.

To read more about Solis and his visit to our middle school campus, click here.
Westminster Christian School, located in Palmetto Bay, Florida, is a private, college-preparatory school for children from preschool through twelfth grade.