
News Detail

ES Robotic Teams Earn Awards at Season's First Competition

Two ES WCS Robotics teams earned awards at their first competition of the season! Under the leadership of WCS teachers and team coaches Claudia Pastrana and Maylin Santiesteban, 27 fourth and fifth grade WCS students competed in the KLE Regional Robotics VEX IQ Competition. Teams 6855B won the Inspire Award and Team 6855C won the Build Award. We are so proud of the effort from all of the students who attended.
Team 6855C (as pictured): Back L to R: Mrs. Santiesteban, Andew Godoy, Anthony Gonzalez, Santiago Ganley, Amarri Irvin, Jonah Santiesteban, and RJ Linares. Front L to R: Russell Briggs and Joey Hernandez-Solaun.

Team 6855 B (as pictured): Back L to R: Mrs. Claudia Pastrana, Ilysa Hilliard, Caroline Seagren, Zoe De Varona, Rebecca Eikenberg, Sara Espitia, and Giavanna Artiles Front L to R: Gabriella Gonzalez, Lorena Haedo, Kaitlyn Walker, and Gabriella Martin.
Westminster Christian School, located in Palmetto Bay, Florida, is a private, college-preparatory school for children from preschool through twelfth grade.